Kim is an advanced practice nurse with over 40 years of clinical experience in multiple roles including staff nurse, nurse manager and critical care clinical nurse specialist.
Kim is a certified Advanced registered nurse practitioner (APRN) in Adult Health (Clinical Nurse Specialist), Nurse Amma Therapist, which is acupressure based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, Havening Practitioner, Gluten Practitioner through Dr. Tom O’Bryan.
Kim also completed a Fellowship Program in Integrative Medicine through the University of Arizona with Dr. Andrew Weil in 2006. Has training in Energy Medicine, Esoteric Healing, Healing Touch, and Reiki.
Kim is the founder and owner of the Institute for Integrative Medicine.
“Give up disEASE and let us help you create your optimal health of mind, body, Soul and Spirit.”
I have always had a passion for helping people heal. I worked as a nurse in critical care units including respiratory intensive care, coronary care, surgical intensive care, emergency departments and post anesthesia care. In 1993, I attended a conference called “Healing the Healer Within” (presented by Barbara Dossey, Cathy Guzetta and Chris Kessler) which literally changed my life. It opened my eyes to a whole new world of holistic nursing and healing the whole person – body, mind and Spirit. I applied much of this whole person approach to my work as a critical care specialist. We utilized music therapy, touch therapy, massage, and guided imagery with patients for pain control, stress reduction, and to enhance overall well-being. When the hospital in which I was working began its open-heart surgery program in 1995, we were able to include an expressive art therapist on our team. She saw everyone who had a heart attack or open heart surgery over a 3-month period. The results astounded me. Seventy five percent of these patients had significant unresolved grief issues. I realized they literally had a “broken heart” and then experienced a physical manifestation as a blockage in their coronary arteries. I knew then that healing was more than just a physicality.
my frustration with the hospital system increased. I found that the system was NOT patient/family centered. One example is the fact that we would awaken patients at 4:30 or 5:00 AM to draw blood or do and X-ray so these results could be available when the physician made rounds at 7:00 AM. This remains common practice today in most healthcare facilities. To whom does this practice really benefit? Certainly, not the patient who needs restful uninterrupted sleep. Additionally, I recognized the value of healthy nutrition and took note of the nutritionally depleted foods we were serving our patients. Even more distressing was the fact that commonly patients were served very inflammatory foods that increase cholesterol and blood sugar within days of having open heart surgery. I knew I had to do something different to fulfill my passion of healing the whole person.
I resigned my critical care Clinical Nurse Specialist position in August, 1996. In September, I listened to a tape series by Dr. Deepak Chopra, a renowned endocrinologist, with expertise in Quantum Physics. He suggested five steps to fulfilling your desires and dreams:
1. Get into a meditative state and connect to God
2. State your intention of what you would like to do
3. Don’t be attached to how it’s going to happen
4. Allow the Universe to handle the details
5. The results are guaranteed.
I said “OK God, I want to change the healthcare system.” I named about 25 things that were just wrong in healthcare in my perception. Ironically many of these same issues (AND EVEN MORE) remain prevalent in our disease-care, profit driven system.
The following January, I received a call from one of my friends who told me about a program coming to Louisville. Nurses from the New York College of Holistic Health Education and Research had started a traveling nurse’s certificate program in Amma therapy and were traveling around the country to teach this work. Amma therapy is a form of Acupressure based on Traditional Chinese Medicine that includes manual therapy and massage techniques using the 12 major meridian channels. It is very holistic in nature and includes healthy nutrition, yoga, and tai chi. I knew this was an answer to my prayers and I completed the 2 year certificate program. Anneke Young, a protégé of Mrs. Tina Sohn, who brought Amma therapy to the United States, was our beloved teacher. In 1997, I started my own practice offering Amma therapy and a holistic nursing assessment. In 2000, I met three other practitioners (Dr. Slava Paskovich, a physician from the Ukraine, Eddie Campomonas, a physical therapist, and Amber Stone, PT assistant who was trained in massage, cranial sacral therapy and strain/counterstrain techniques), who were interested creating an integrative medicine center and together we started the Institute for Integrative Medicine. We worked together for 3 years. Life events ensued and Dr. Paskovich and Eddie Campomonas both relocated to different areas of the country. I continued as the sole owner of Institute for Integrative Medicine.